Wretched Hollow is a dark, whimsical sim inspired by the love of Gothic Romance and Neo-Victorian things. As one of Second Life's best-kept secrets, Wretched Hollow is home to the Wretched Dollies store and has several places to explore, including a small town and a fishing inlet with dock.
The description and image in Showcase was enough to make me go and explore.
I only have one problem with the sim... it's set out so well I couldnt decide which windlight setting I wanted to use for pics LOL.
The feeling of the sim is eerie but not foreboding.
The little stores are in keeping with the theme and an interesting collection of items.
The use of off-sim reefs and islands added to the feel of the area and the general landscaping and terraforming is well done and is easily enhanced with a Foggy setting on windlight.
If you are a photo taking nut like me then this is a great sim.
Build is enabled with an autoreturn of 5 minutes.
Perfect to place some pose balls for the perfect pose.
For those who like to dance there is a club called Lucidity, in a castle perched on top of a rocky outcrop, though when I popped in there wasnt anything happening.

I did find the price of 10L a little steep however.
Overall the sim is beautifully done and I enjoyed wandering around seeing what surprises were in store for me along the paths.
I would thoroughly recommend a visit to this gorgeous sim.
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