It was time to go walkabout again and boy, did I find a great place - Spencer Museum of Art.
Joined by my trusted sidekick, Ely, our exploration began.
As the scenery around us started to rezz we became aware of the strange things we were soon about to face.
The first thing to "fly" into view was a rideable sheep helicopter (delightfully demonstrated by Ely) which will make you dizzy, so be careful.
Then a pipe that spat out pink armchairs on springs, which, if you sit on them has the potential of bouncing you just about anywhere including inside a strange series of pipes that floated above the sim.
It was time to investigate as I had lost Ely to god knows where and as her screams rang through our Skype call I knew she needed saving. "Help!" she said, "I don’t know where I am", along with "weeeeeeeeee!" as she bounced along a pipe and the occasional scream of "Aaarrggghhh" and a splat.
I wandered around the base and found a ladder, but being that it didn’t look particularly safe to climb I looked for another way to get inside.
It was drawn to my attention by Ely, who was still lost somewhere within the pipes, that the pipes have a habit of falling down. So make sure you aren’t in them when they collapse as you WILL go down with them hence the screams and splat I had heard earlier.
As soon as they had fallen the pipes began to rebuild into a new shape, twisting and turning as pieces reconnected and a new path was laid.
I stumbled across a gigantic floating couch was big enough for the Marshmallow Man to comfortably sit on and have room for others.
While Ely managed to climb up some pipes and found some interesting houses and a cafe perched precariously on top of some of them. I decided to watch from a distance to see if the buildings would fall before I ventured up to join her.

And NO, we have no idea why there is a chicken here that lays eggs when you click it but it’s no ordinary hen; the eggs come in all colours, from your standard white to golden or brightly patterned Easter eggs.
Thanks to my buddy Ely for taking time out from her other friends and family to ride the rocking horse and generally be silly for a while.
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