Over the past 5 years or so I have seen phases come and go and I have held back and not been conned into any of them. Well, I did eventually become a vampire, but that was to learn about it ... honest it was!

OMG... I had succumbed to...
(drum roll)
a Breedable pet.
Now I blame my purchases on two things, or should I say the lack of them - because neither my partner in crime OR my best friend were online to stop me. I mean, how could they let a woman wander the grid alone. HOW DARE THEY!!! It was their fault entirely. I had NOTHING to do with it, Your Honour.

So what is a Meeroo? Are you sure you want to know? To put it as succinctly as possible they are the cutest damn things ever.
When I look at them I think of Puss n Boots from Shrek and that little "I'm cute and adorable look", with the exception that these don't wear boots and they don't turn into evil-fighting machines ... or do they? (I have no idea what they do when I'm sleeping damnit so how would I know).
I knew I had finally lost my SL mind when I realised that I was telling them off. They are scripted objects for Christ's sake, why would I tell them off. Then, they have this absolutely adorable way of coming up to you... (Yes they WILL seek you out) and holding their arms out and saying in local chat, "Please pick me up and snuggle me". I'm afraid I have got to the stage where I most commonly tell them to piss off I'm busy. They also talk to you and a friend of mine and I have definitely heard them say a number of times "Aw, crap!" The rest is usually pretty incoherent rambling. (Much like my children when not fully out of earshot but not quite close enough that you can hear what they are saying properly.)
So four became ummmm.... well... 12. And my partner has 6. And then the breeding began and they needed to be fed and petted and hugged and ... OMG... the pressure.

To say I'm tired now is an understatement.
I am close to ripping some poor Meeroo baby from its nest so I can slip inside and pretend I don’t exist until some bugger comes along and coaxes me into the light. Then I think I will just gurgle "Aw crap", reach out my arms, blink my huge big eyes and whisper, Please pick me up and snuggle me".
<3 Kay.